Whose Victoria Dominguez

Welcome to my Official Website

Where there is more to what meets the eyes. I am self-employed fitness trainer/consultant as well as yes student and finally graduating next year spring 2013 with a double major and who? say’s muscle and brains combined can’t be sexy. Now after you have caught your breath to top off an already full workload I am also work as a personal assistant.

If you have noticed as of yet I also model and I’m an inter-net personality plus a NPC National Level FBB and you say you cant or don’t have time to get to the gym..please.

My blog is a small extension of who I am and what I represent but its also a place where I hope to inspire, motivate as well as inform plus showcase other who care to compete, want to compete, want to model, showcase there work or just get an occasional push in the right direction so again don’t be shy come back keep reading and lets share contact me at  victoriadominguez@gmail.com




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